세계 최대 차량공유업체 우버가 내년 기업공개(IPO)를 앞두고 3분기에 부진한 실적을 기록했다.

우버는 매출 증가세가 둔화하면서 올 3분기 $939 million(약 1조 1300억 원)에 순 손실액을 기록했으며, 이는 전 분기 대비 32% 증가한 것으로 집계됐다 .

우버의 3분기 매출액은 $2.95 billion(약 3조 2천억 원)으로, 전 분기 대비 6% 증가했으며 전년 대비 38% 상승했다.

하지만 2분기 매출 성장률이 63%였던 것에 비하면 절반 가까이 줄었으며, 성장 속도가 느려졌다는 분석이 나오고 있다.

우버의 3분기 차량 탑승 및 배달 서비스 예약 증가율도 6%에 그친 것으로 알려졌다.

우버가 차량 탑승, 음식 배달 서비스, 전기 스쿠터 등 다각화에 집중하기 시작하며, 늘어나는 투자비에 손실도 덩달아 커지고 있다는 의견이다.

그럼에도 다라 코스로우샤히(Dara Khosrowshahi) 우버 최고경영자(CEO)는 “음식 배달 서비스, 화물, 자전거 및 전기 스쿠터 사업에 더 투자할 예정”이라고 전하며, “10년 후 차량 탑승 서비스는 우버의 총 사업 중 50%밖에 차지하지 않을 것”이라고 밝혔다.

9월에 우버 최고재무책임자(CFO)로 합류하게 된 넬슨 차이(Nelson Chai)는 “인도와 중동에서도 거점을 확대할 계획”이라고 설명하며, “미래 성장을 위해 음식, 화물, 전기 자전거 및 스쿠터에 아낌없이 투자할 계획”이라고 전했다.

Uber, which is expected to go public sometime next year, just released its Q3 2018 financial results. Uber’s net losses increased 32 percent quarter over quarter to $939 million on a pro forma basis, though Uber expected these losses as it continues to invest in future growth areas.

On earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization basis (EBIDTA), Uber’s losses were $527 million, up about 21 percent quarter over quarter. And as Uber prepares to go public, the company has started presenting the income statements with stock-based compensation.

Ten years from now, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi envisions its core ride-hailing business accounting for less than 50 percent of Uber’s overall business, Khosrowshahi told me at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2018. That means Uber expects businesses like Eats, scooters, bikes and freight to contribute to be more of Uber’s business, which requires Uber to invest heavily in those businesses.

Revenue for Q3 was up five percent quarter over quarter at $2.95 billion and up 38 percent year over year. Meanwhile, gross bookings were up six percent quarter over quarter and 34 percent year over year at $12.7 billion.

Uber, for the first time, has also broken out Eats specific gross bookings, which the company says accounted for $2.1 billion of overall gross bookings and is growing over 150 percent year over year. Last month, Uber announced its intention to expand Eats to cover 70 percent of the U.S. population by the end of this year.

Other key stats for Uber’s Q3 2018:

Adjusted EBITDA margin: 4.1 percent of gross bookings (In Q3 2017, that was 6.4 percent)

Gross cash: $6.55 billion, not including the $500 million from Toyota or the $2 billion from debt offering

This is Uber’s first quarterly earnings report under CFO Nelson Chai. Uber, which had been without a CFO for more than three years, brought on Chai just three months ago.

“We had another strong quarter for a business of our size and global scope,” Uber Chief Financial Officer Nelson Chai said in a statement. “As we look ahead to an IPO and beyond, we are investing in future growth across our platform, including in food, freight, electric bikes and scooters, and high-potential markets in India and the Middle East where we continue to solidify our leadership position.”

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