미국 자동차 공유 서비스 우버(Uber)가 내년 기업 공개(IPO)를 앞두고 넬슨 채(Nelson Chai)를 최고재무책임자(CFO)로 선임했다고 21일(현지시각) 발표했다.

넬슨 채는 보험회사 워런티 그룹(Warranty Group)의 최고경영자(CEO)였으며, 글로벌 금융 업계에서 10년 이상 경력을 쌓은 미국 재정 전문가이다.

우버가 지난주 공개한 2분기 순 매출액은 $2.7 billion(약 3조 원)이었으며, 이는 전분기 대비 8% 오른 수치이다.

우버는 자동차 공유 서비스의 총 예약(Gross Booking)이 $12 billion(13조 4천억 원)을 넘겼다고 발표했다. 전분기 대비 6% 올랐으며, 전년 동기 대비 41%나 증가했다고 전했다.

하지만, 우버는 2분기에 $404 million(약 4천5백억 원)의 재정적 손실을 맞으며, 전분기 보다 $100 million(약 천억 원) 더 큰 손해를 본 것으로 알려졌다.

우버의 다라 코스로샤히(Dara Khosrowshahi) CEO는 “넬슨만큼 경험이 많고 사려 깊은 사람과 함께 하고 되어 대단히 기쁘다”라고 말하며 “그는 우버의 훌륭한 파트너가 되어줄 것”이라고 전했다.

우버는 현재 최고인사책임자(CPO)를 물색하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

Uber’s search for a chief financial officer — and the person who will steer the company toward an IPO — is over. The ride-hailing company said Tuesday its new CFO is Nelson J. Chai, the former CEO of insurance and warranty provider Warranty Group.

Chai has the kind of experience Uber will need to navigate a successful IPO. Last year, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi  said an IPO for Uber was part of his plans. He targeted 2019 for the IPO.

The road to an IPO will require some financial belt-tightening, a role Chai would handle as CFO.

Uber reported August 15 a net revenue of $2.7 billion in the second quarter, an 8 percent increase compared to the previous quarter and 51 percent higher than the same quarter last year.

Uber recorded gross bookings, which is the total taken for all of Uber’s transportation services, of $12 billion, a 6 percent quarter-over-quarter increase and a 41 percent year-over-year increase. However, Uber also saw its losses grow to $404 million in the second quarter compared to a $304 million shortfall in the first quarter.

Before Chai was at Chicago-based Warranty Group, he spent more than five years at CIT Group. He was also CFO of Merrill Lynch & Co.; NYSE Euronext, the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange; and Archipelago Holdings, the first fully electronic stock exchange in the United States.

“I’m incredibly excited to bring on someone as experienced and thoughtful as Nelson,” Khosrowshahi said in a statement. “He will be a great partner for me and the entire management team as we move towards becoming a public company.”

Chai also serves on the boards of Thermo Fisher Scientific, the University of Pennsylvania School of Arts and Sciences, and the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.

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